Press review

What will we eat in the future? (DE)

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The world's first sustainer agricultural system born in a small seaside town (JP)

Experimenting with underwater cultivation in the Italian Riviera

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Agricoltura, l'ultima frontiera

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Aqua Magazine

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Basil and strawberries growing underwater: future farming and the case of Nemo’s Garden

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Com'è fare agricoltura sott'acqua?

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Nemo's Garden

Basilico coltivato sott'acqua nei fondali di Noli

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Looking for Nemo? Try his underwater farm.

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Could The Sea Be Our Saviour? A Look at Underwater Farming

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An underwater garden

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An Underwater Farm that Grows Basil, Strawberries & More

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Innovazione sostenibile: c’è un orto nel mar ligure

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Nemo's Garden: Growing plants underwater

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Nemo’s Garden: Underwater Farming To Sustain Food Production

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30 June 2015

Technical details and functioning (also curiosities)

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08 July 2015

Forget fields, farms could soon be UNDERWATER: Nemo's Garden project is growing strawberries, beans, lettuce and herbs in submarine pods

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02 July 2015

Underwater farmers grow strawberries in balloon gardens

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10 July 2015

These underwater greenhouse domes grow crops 20 feet below the ocean’s surface at breakneck speeds

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01 July 2015

En Italie, du basilic pousse au fond de la mer

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07 July 2015

These Gardens Boldly Grow Where No Garden’s Grown Before

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01 July 2015

Nemo's garden off Italy offers hope for seabed crops

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